Saturday, February 25, 2012

shout out to the new homies on the block!

Thursday night I had some very crazy unexpected things happen to me. It all starts off with me offering to help a couple friends study for a test that I had just barely taken. These 2 girls (Sierra & Stephanie) are in my intro and history of physical education class and one of them (Sierra) I know from the previous semester in my volleyball class. Anyway I met up with Sierra and Stephanie over at Sierra's place and everything started out pretty normal, you know small talk and getting into the stuff that was on the test. Little did I know, strong friendships were going to be made that night. I mean yeah they were my friends and we talked and stuff like that, but it was just cool how easily it was to get along with them and form a strong bond of friendship in such a short amount of time. I spent a little time over there with them before their roomate (Ashley) got home to join us. When she got there things lightened up a lot and it was so easy to get a long with them. we all sat and joked around for a bit before Sierra and Stephanie went to take the test. While they were gone I waited there with Ashley for them to get back to see how they did. While they were gone I got to sit there and talk to Ashley and get to know a pretty awesome person. Needless to say it was a great night and I had some fun hanging out with some new people. When I was leaving I told them I wanted to hang out again. I was being serious. Unfortunately most the time people are like, "oh yeah let's hang out again," or something like that and it never happens. Like I said though, these girls are pretty sweet. the next day they called me up asked me to save some seats at the basketball game and made a plan to hang out afterwards. I must say I was a little shocked. I didn't expect to hang out with them again for a while. Anyway the game came to an end and we went to hang out like we planned. In fact we hung out all night long and so far my impression of these girls....I just don't have enough good things to say about that. They have so much going for them. They're all funny, easy to talk to, easy to get a long with, even a little crazy, but hey who isn't? Their craziness makes me laugh and even bring out my funny side a little bit. Often times when I first hang out with people I'm very reserved and quiet and kind of shy. It wasn't even like that with these girls and I feel like it was so easy to just be myself around them. I love when I meet people like that. People who in a lot of ways are a lot like me. Anyway I just had to give a shout out to them for being so awesome and fun and helping me to get my mind off things even though you may have no idea what's going on in my life. I can't say it enough ya'll are awesome and I can't wait to hang out again....hopefully I didn't wear out my welcome ;)

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