Sunday, April 1, 2012

more to come

Since I didn't get much of a spring break I'm going crazy and soooo much has happened the last couple weeks and this last week was one of the longest weeks of my life!!! I don't know how much more of people I can take I'm about to explode and go ape shiz on everyone! I need my vacation to come so I can get away from everything. So much has happened and I don't have time to go into details tonight, just know there's a big story coming maybe tomorrow. All I'm gunna say right now is that sometimes I really don't understand why things happen the way they do and why some people come into our lives.....or I guess I should say come back into our lives, over and over and over. It stresses me out. Gets my hopes up, then they get shattered, every time and i'm pretty much sick of that happening, I'm just mad at myself for letting it happen over and over and over again, but I can't help it because of who I am. Anyway, more details and big vent sesh to come soon.

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