Friday, December 23, 2011

Dedicated to one of my best friends Lior

So a few days ago I told a good friend of mine named Lior...yes that;s how she spells it, that I would make a blog post as to why I love her and why she is one of my most favoritest people in the world. Lior this one's for you!
 First of all Lior is just great, everyone should know this. she's just well....great lqtm. No but really here is why she is so great. First of all she's one of the select few that has stayed up with me till 4 in the morning just to talk. she's great. But these late night night talks are awesome....well not really just the late night talks but anytime we hang out, I love the talks that we have. She's one of the only people I feel like I can completely open up to and she's not someone I have to try and impress or worry about what she thinks because she doesn't judge me and just likes me for who I am and to top it all off, she's pretty straight up with me and tells me when i'm doing something stupid and she tries to help and tries to make me a better person. I love her for that, I think she sees something in me that not many others do.
Second, I love her for bringing me ice cream. she knows how much I love chocolate ice cream so guess what? she bought me some for Christmas. She knows I love to eat ice cream while watching a movie and moping around about girls it's like she reads my mind. she's probably the only person to ever buy me anything just because. SEE! she's a good person...kinda haha hopefully she gets that joke.
Anyway next reason is that she texts me from time to time just to see how i'm doing or just to say hi. most people only text me when they want something. I love that she cares about me enough just to see how i'm doing. she's like my little sister :) always checkin on me to make sure i'm not doing anything stupid. The little sister that I never had. :)
Another reason is she is very wise and gives me advice...mostly about stupid girls cuz I never know what to do, but she gives me the best advice on how to handle certain situations. I tend to really struggle. I get all kinds of nervous and I don't know what to say, so she basically slaps me back into reality and calms me down and tells  me how things are going down. she's very calm when I am not and this really helps me relax and get my mind off things I can't control.
Last but not least, she's just always there for me. she's my shoulder to lean on, she's just great :) I'm very thankful for her and all that she does for me especially the little things that she probably thinks are no big deal. she's so great and i'm glad she's in my life. Lior thank you thank you for everything I love your guts and you're so great, you really do mean a lot to me so please don't sell me, unless it's to someone super awesome that will take care of me like you.........P.s. we're still not best friends cuz I haven't farted in front of you but that could change soon, you never know. I'll just have to keep you on your toes :)

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