Sunday, May 27, 2012

Here we go again!

So I haven't had much happening in my dating life over the last little bit so I haven't had much to blog about, but tonight I had my first date in a while so i'm going to tell you all about it. First of all the girl is someone a met a few weeks ago and have kind of hung out with a little bit here and there but I wanted to take her on a real date instead of just hanging out to see what she was like. Well I know how much she likes soccer so tonight we went down to the RSL game in salt lake. Now whenever I take a girl on a date to salt lake I get really nervous because I usually like to do just a short date first and I know that sometimes girls don't like long dates and feel like they just kind of drag on so I was a little nervous about that. Anyway I picked her up and we drove down to Salt Lake. I feel like the drive went really well, we talked, we told stories we joked a little bit, it all just seemed pretty natural and it just felt good to not have to try and force a conversation. so the drive down wasn't bad at all. Next up was the game. The game was a little cold but it was a really good game and a pretty intense one so it was a good one to go to. I think overall she enjoyed it. I did have some friends at the game tho there was like 6 of us that had decided to go and afterwards is when I decided I would ask this girl on a date. So I was a little worried about this also because yes we were on a date but we were also kind of joining a group of people and I didn't know how she would feel about that. I felt like it was good for the game because sometimes games get a little awkward when it's just the 2 of you so it was nice that she had people to talk with and so did I and that way I didn't have to keep a conversation the whole time. After the game we decided to go to dinner. We went to P.F. Changs. it was great but at the same time I think she may have felt a little awkward around everyone because she was kind of quiet, or it could have been that it was getting late and she was just tired. so this is the part of the date i'm most unsure of. Hopefully it went ok, I don't really know. And last of all was the long drive home. the drive home once again was pretty good. we talked pretty easily but I could tell she was definitely getting tired and that it had been a long day for her. So I dropped her off walked her to the door thanked her for coming and and we hugged good night. That's about it. It wasn't a short awkward hug but it wasn't a hug like hey I think I might like you. So as for right now i'm going to try and not think about it or worry about it. I feel like it's headed towards the friend zone which I would be ok with but she's a really cool girl and would love to take her out again and get to know her even better. But i'm just not going to force the issue, I guess we'll see how things go over the next couple days. The hardest part I think is just not being able to read her. so I have absolutely no idea what she's thinking or if she would even like to go out again. I wish dating was easier it's just frustrating trying to play all the mind games and how long do I wait before I text her or stuff like that. I just wish people would be open and say hey I'm interested in dating you or hey i'm not interested. It would save a lot of time, but I guess it doesn't really work that way so it's out of my hands. I just have to control what I can, and the things I can't control I just have to live with.

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