Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So grateful for my mom

With mothers day coming up I've been doing a lot of thinking and I just realized how grateful I am for my mom and how grateful I am for the things she has taught me over the years. I had an experience this last weekend that really made me realize this and really made me probably more grateful for my mom than I've ever been.
 On Sunday night me and a bunch of my friends were sitting at my apartment having a BBQ and watching the Jazz game. While we were all sitting here getting ready for the game to start there was a knock at the door. No one made a rush to get up and answer it, so I got out of my chair and went to answer it. When I opened the door I saw my neighbor. She's a single mom of 3 kids and she's probably in her 40's. Anyway she always comes over when she needs help with something and I don't really mind helping her just because that's who I am. Anyway, when I opened up the door and saw her I knew she was going to need some help with something. I was right....kind of. When I opened the door we greeted each other and she went on to tell me about how her friend was moving down from Wyoming and was going to need some help moving in the next morning at about 8. Now for anyone that doesn't know I work the graveyard shift and get off at 5 in the morning which makes 8 o'clock in the morning very very early for me. Anyway she asked if I would come help and I said of course, it wouldn't be a problem, she then asked if I could get my friends and roomates to help. I told her I would see what I could do and she said she would try and get some people as well. After she left I came back in and asked if anyone could help the next day and no one could. They all had work or just weren't feeling it, so I some how had this feeling that the next morning was going to be a very long morning.
The next morning my alarm went off and I really struggled to get myself up. When I woke up I thought, "I really don't need to go, I'm sure they'll have enough help." or I had thoughts of just going back to bed and calling later saying, "I'm so sorry, I slept right through my alarm." But every time I closed my eyes to fall back asleep I kept hearing my mom's voice in my head. There were a few things that she always told me growing up and they were, "You told them you were going to be there, you need to keep your word and go and do what you said you were going to do." "Sometimes we all have to do things in life that are hard or that we don't like or that we don't want to do." So after those thoughts ran through my head I forced myself to get up and get ready and go help this lady move. When I showed up to her house all I saw was my neighbors friend and an old lady that was her mom. I felt so bad that there was no one else and I couldn't imagine how hard things would have been if I hadn't showed up because they had lots of heavy stuff that i'm pretty sure they wouldn't have been able to get unless I was there. After we were done, Michelle (the lady that was moving in) thanked me so much for my help and was so grateful. She tried to pay me and I told her I couldn't accept the money. I had already felt bad enough for almost not showing up that I couldn't take her cash. after a few minutes of arguing she forced me to take the cash and wouldn't let me get away unless I would take it. At this point I thought ok it's probably only like 20 bucks or something I guess that isn't that much and I can take it. 20 bucks for an hour and a half of work, not too bad. When I got home, I opened up the envelope and there was a little bit more than 20 bucks in there. She had given me 60 bucks for my work. As I sat there thinking, I realized how much I needed the money. after my trip to hawaii I was a little low on money and my pay check wasn't very big because I had missed a whole week of work. After paying my tithing the funds were definitely low. I needed that money more than I had realized and I sat there and thought about how God was looking out for me and how he blesses us in ways we don't expect, and how he does bless us when we do those things that he would like. I know that he loves when we serve one another and I really didn't have to go and help this lady out, but through my service he was able to bless me. And if it weren't for my mom and the things she taught me I probably wouldn't have shown up to help out Michelle. I'm so grateful for my mom and that she taught me to love my neighbors and just be there to help people that need it. I'm love that she taught me that sometimes we have to do things that we really don't want to do and that even though we don't want to do it, it's usually for our good. I love my mom. I love her so much. She's always been such a great teacher and an even better example to me. Sometimes those little lessons she taught me have the biggest impact on my life. She's just so awesome and so great, I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am for her or how much I love her. So here's to you mom. THANK YOU for everything and I LOVE YOU more than you could ever know. I've been so blessed!

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