Monday, November 7, 2011

Not so amazing!

So tonight I was thinking and I was thinking about how people always use the phrase, "there's plenty of fish in the sea." while yeah this is true, there's billions of fish in the sea, I couldn't help and think back on all of my experiences fishing. I realized that while they're may be lots of fish in the sea how many fish do you actually catch when you go fishin? In all the times i've gone fishin sure hasn't been many. Dating is the exact same. No matter how many times I throw my line out there I might get a girl to show a little bit of interest but then she doesn't take the bait. Guess I'm usin the wrong kinda bait out here in Logan, Utah.
Anyway other than that, I wanna talk about something that I really can't stand. There is one word out there that just really makes me cringe. You ready for this? The word is "Amazing." I don't mean it when people just use it in a random sentence but when people use it referring to me. Let me tell you a little story that made think about this. The other night a girl I use to like asked me if I was dating anyone I kinda laughed and said no. Anyone that knows me pretty well knows my luck with girls. Anyway this girl went on to say I don't believe that, if I wouldn't have moved away I would have fallen hard for you, you're an amazing guy! GREAT!! there's the word. Now I don't know if anyone will understand this but the word amazing isn't a good thing. When someone calls you amazing it usually means oh you're a way fun guy but I don't wanna date you. Either that or when you hear it from someone that's already married and they say, "why aren't you dating someone you're an amazing guy." you should try to avoid phrases like that if you're talking to someone. I really hate when people tell me that. It's like well if I'm so amazing 1. why am I single? 2. why can't I get a date? and 3. you're lying because it's obvious that i'm not as amazing as you make me sound. So please try to refrain from using that word. I've heard it about 3 times this week and it just makes me so mad. maybe it's just because i'm really bad at taking compliments. But I guess it's just kind of annoying when you know what it's really like and people are trying to tell you something about you that you know isn't true. Now don't get me wrong i'm not looking for compliments saying jake you really are amazing don't think I look at myself and call me a loser because I don't think that of myself either. I just know that you're putting me up higher than I really am. I'm just your average joe, nothing special, but not a loser. So please don't call me amazing I take it as an insult. And like I said it's only when you're talking about me and my dating life that if you call me amazing I get upset.  If you're a good friend of mine and I do something awesome or nice, go ahead and call me amazing, that would be nice of you....just don't say something like oh jake you brought me a slurpee you're amazing...why aren't you dating anyone? or how are you single? In this case you would still be implying to the word amazing. so if you're going to call me amazing just leave it at that. Thanks for the slurpee Jake, you're amazing! Boom just end it there and walk away. Not too hard right?

1 comment:

  1. If I tell you you are amazing, just take it! Or you can reply with a "thank you?..." I mean it either way ;)
